Why sports and soccer

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development underlines the growing contribution of sports as a tool for peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect. It also highlights the contributions that sport can make to the empowerment of communities as a whole, to individuals (particularly women and young people) as well as to health, education and social inclusion.

More specifically, sports offer an important opportunity for building life skills of at-risk youth that allow them to better cope with daily life challenges and move away from involvement in violence, crime or drug use.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

City’s Municipal Development Plan acknowledges that Recreation, which includes Sport, plays an important role in:

  • sustaining healthy communities by promoting active living
  • fostering active and vibrant neighborhoods

City of Calgary Sports for Life Policy 2018

Soccer is the largest participatory sport in Canada and is considered the fastest growing sport in the country. 

Canada Soccer

Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does

Nelson Mandela

Our Vision

Connected, safe and healthy Calgary communities united through the power of sports.

Our Mission

Promote participation and growth in grassroot sports; particularly soccer, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

Our Objectives

  • Ensure participants enjoy our programs to the fullest extent of their abilities and interests, consistent with the City of Calgary Sports for Life Policy. Specifically;
  • Develop and sustain funding avenues to channel financial resources towards incentivising program participants.
  • Build and upgrade public facilities including indoor soccer fields, class D community outdoor fields.
  • Align tournaments offerings to those of professional soccer tournaments such as UEFA champions league and English FA Cup.
  • Develop and sustain top talent identification and training programs.
  • Implement and sustain exciting developmental programs to engage all Calgarians regardless of age, sex, race and background. Interest of underserved and minority groups shall be prioritized.
  • Support the creation and sustenance of community sports teams.
  • Consistently engage productively with the private and public sectors of the Calgary economy in support of the City of Calgary Sports for Life Policy objectives.
  • Educate Calgarians on the importance of active living and staying healthy

our values

We serve with unwavering INTEGRITY. HONESTY guides our actions. Our decisions are FAIR, ETHICAL and STRUCTURED. We thrive with EXCELLENCE. Our PASSION fuels our performance. We are ACCOUNTABLE to our stakeholders. TRANSPARENCY directs our communication. We RESPECT and INCLUDE all.