Privacy Policy

Filming and Photograpy Consent

Community Soccer Association, organizers of the Calgary Champions League (CCL) may wish to take photographs or videos of participants to celebrate soccer tournaments. We adhere to relevant privacy laws to ensure these are safe and respectful and used solely for the purposes for which they are intended, which is promotion and celebration of the activities of the CCL.

We may use the image in literature unrelated to when the picture was taken. Children and young people will not be named in any photograph without parental permission.

We will also be engaging with several photography companies who will be taking photographs and filming on our behalf. Community Soccer Association officers and the tournament organizing team may also choose to take photographs and videos using their gadgets. These films can be uploaded to the League website and social media pages.

As a registered team you should already have player/parent/carer signed permission for images to be taken and used in the public domain. If you are aware, you have any players that are not signed up to this, please let CSA officials know upon your registration.